Steven P. Krakowsky begins each case with a consultation process designed to elicit all of the pertinent facts and to learn his clients' objectives. At the conclusion of this process, he customizes a legal strategy designed to achieve his clients' goals. He recognizes that in most situations litigation is an inefficient and costly procedure for resolving disputes. With this in mind, he works with his clients to develop common sense, practical solutions aimed at settling the case before significant investments in the litigation are made.
A major focus of his work is preventative in nature. To that end, he counsels his clients on how they can avoid lawsuits or successfully utilize dispute resolution alternatives to litigation. When litigation does arise, his first objective is to resolve it as quickly and inexpensively as possible, either through an early settlement or a favorable pre-trial disposition. He recognizes, however, that not all lawsuits are capable of a pre-trial disposition through settlement or motions. If settlement is not possible, Mr. Krakowsky vigorously advances his clients' interests and artfully presents their case. He believes that the best results are obtained when complex issues are reduced to clear, concise legal advocacy and when the facts and the law, presented in their most favorable light, are allowed to speak for themselves.
Mr. Krakowsky brings a high level of analytical skill, creativity and practical problem solving to each case. His extensive trial experience affords his clients the opportunity to select a course of action most appropriate for the particular situation. While many matters are best settled in mediation or other alternative dispute resolution forums, his clients do not feel pressured to settle to avoid trial.
His clients can rely on receiving practical advice rather than having their matters serve as a training ground for new lawyers. He believes that a small, experienced group of litigators can outperform a larger group of attorneys and that his staffing is much more cost-effective for his clients. His track record of success against national law firms confirms his beliefs.